Amazon Music

01 Discover Something Good

02 Release Round-Up

03 Rotation Round-Up

04 HD Mark Ronson Zine

05 Heat Check

Amazon Music introduced a new “HD” streaming tier allowing fans to listen to over 60 Millions songs in the highest quality streaming audio. Well behind their competitors in market share and brand awareness, Amazon Music needed content franchises and social idea that set their product a part.

Discover Something Good

A monthly Instagram Story to introduce users to new music based on artists they already like. Each frame of this instagram story uses the previous frame so there is a seamless transition.

Release Round-Up

A social campaign to push Amazon Music’s HD streaming platform. The piece deep dives into specific aspects of HD streaming that are lost when songs are compressed.

Discover Something Good

A monthly Instagram Story to introduce users to new music based on artists they already like. Each frame of this instagram story uses the previous frame so there is a seamless transition between each chapter as the viewer taps through.

HD Mark Ronson Zine

ThIS carousel deep dives into specific aspects of HD streaming that are lost when songs are compressed.

Heat Check

A monthly exported template that showcases the new hottest hits in R&B and Rap topping the charts. It profiles the number artist in those charts while showing the next two runner ups.


Amazon Luna

